Forest Shoot

This is a slideshow of the images i shot when i went home. Cannock chase forest is part of my world, I have spent a long time over the years in this particular forest, as a child with family and friends. walking my dog. It is not possible to represent my world without first exploring what I love from my world at home. Before nottingham was even a glimmer in my minds eye.

This is the first video i have uploaded onto the web so fingers crossed it works!!

Well at this point I am waiting for my video to load and it is very boring. Ill try and get more stuff up later on today, on the premise my computer doesnt collapse under the weight of uploading this 2min video onto blogspot. phhhht


  1. Interesting to see some more pictures - however you are not seeking a solution to the question "what is your world" you are merely photographing your world to see what it is like....

    What are you going to present on Thurs?


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